How To Keep Your Heating System Functioning Properly All Winter Long

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While furnaces operate admirably for the majority of the heating season, they might have performance issues when temperatures drop below freezing. To avoid these problems, here are some tips from Climate Mechanics which you can keep in mind to assist your furnace cope with the harsh winter in New Jersey.


Don’t Turn Off Your Thermostat

Man adjusting the thermostat in his house

In order to save energy, it's usually a good idea to reduce your thermostat's temperature setting when you're away from home. When it's really cold outdoors, though, this might create more difficulty than it's worth because your furnace will have a tougher time bringing your home back up to your desired temperature. Maintain a constant temperature on your thermostat until the weather returns to normal for the season.


Make Sure Your Filter Is Clean

When it's bitterly cold outside, your furnace will need all the assistance it can get to keep your house warm. That's why, during severely cold weather, it's critical to make sure you have a clean air filter fitted to save your furnace from working harder than it has to. Change your air filter regularly and make sure that it's clean.

Person changing the air filter in their furnace

Maintain Your HVAC System

Technician providing maintenance to HVAC system

When dust and dirt accumulate in your HVAC system, it forces the machinery to work much harder than it would if it was maintained clean and clear. This results in a higher likelihood of maintenance, a shorter lifetime, and higher utility costs, among other issues. When your furnace and air conditioner are able to function cleanly, they are able to operate at their maximum efficiency. Do maintenance during the spring and fall seasons.


Clear The Area Around The Furnace

The majority of furnaces are stored in the basement, which is also where we like to keep additional items. It's critical to keep a three- to five-foot clearance area surrounding your furnace free of stored items. Because there is a burning gas in the furnace, this is a safety concern. However, keeping the area clear also allows the air to flow freely, which helps the furnace function more smoothly.

Clean area surrounding a furnace

Not only can using your furnace effectively save you money on your monthly gas bill, but it will also decrease wear and tear on your furnace. You won't have to replace your furnace as often if it lasts longer. Contact us at Climate Mechanics for furnace maintenance and repairs in New Jersey.
