How To Change a Furnace Filter

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As the seasons change, it is the perfect time to start thinking about your HVAC system and furnace maintenance. One important aspect of furnace maintenance is changing your furnace filter. A dirty furnace filter can cause your system to work harder and less efficiently, leading to higher energy bills and potential breakdowns. 

At Climate Mechanics LLC, our HVAC contractors bring you comprehensive furnace services in Cherry Hill, NJ, and the surrounding areas! Read on to learn more about how to change a furnace filter, and contact us today for all of your furnace tune-up needs. 


Step 1: Turn off the Furnace

Turning off the furnace is an important step to ensure your safety while working on the furnace. You can turn off the furnace at the thermostat or by switching the circuit breaker. 


Step 2: Locate the Filter

The filter is typically located in the blower compartment or the air return duct. Refer to your furnace manual or contact our professional HVAC contractors for assistance! 

dirty filter

Step 3: Remove the Old Filter 

Remove the old filter by sliding it out of the filter slot. Take a moment to inspect the old filter to see how dirty it is, as this can help indicate if you need to change the filter soon next time. On average, you should change your furnace filter every 90 days. 

clean filter

Step 4: Install the New Filter

After removing the old filter, it’s time to install your new one! Ensure the filter is facing the correct direction by checking the airflow arrow printed on the filter. Slide the new filter into the filter slot, ensuring it fits into place. 

turn on furnace

Step 5: Turn On the Furnace

Once the new furnace filter is properly installed, the final step is to turn on the furnace. Turn on the thermostat the same way you turned it off, either at the thermostat or by switching on the circuit breaker. 

Changing your furnace filter is a simple task once you know how to do it. Regularly changing your filter can improve indoor air quality and decrease the amount of dust and allergens in your home or business. If you need professional furnace tune-ups, contact Climate Mechanics LLC. Our team of experts specializes in heating, cooling, and indoor air quality services in Cherry Hill, NJ!  

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Maintaining the ideal climate inside your house or business doesn’t have to be difficult. All it requires is working with the right HVAC contractors who are committed to doing the best job each time.

Climate Mechanics LLC is a family-owned-and-operated heating and cooling services company. Our NATE-certified technicians are not only excellent mechanics, but they’re also trained in customer service and can answer all your questions.

We have over 25 years in the industry, and we work with all makes and models of heating and cooling equipment. We have earned a reputation for doing heating and air conditioning repair right the first time.
